Professor Crawly Profe...
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Sara The Snail Lesson 6: Patience

Gary Chase

August 2020 9781734653458


A favorite acquaintance of Professor Crawly is Sara the Snail, who is never in a hurry, and is used for his lesson on patience.

I must admit! I'm still working on this one! Having had a career in the IT industry, I have had to live life in the fast lane in that career. Given the ever changing upgrades and improvements in hardware and software, it was a constant battle to keep abreast of the changes, and a constant learning curve to keep on top of the changes to technology, plus adhere to project deadlines, tight schedules, budget constraints and performance requirements.  

We live in a fast paced world. There are things in our lives that are going to be driven by schedules and deadlines. School assignments are one example of this. However, we need to learn to balance our time wisely. We need to carve out time for downtime and fun times when there is not the pressure of time constraints on us. Teach your preschooler the importance of separating the two and to grab the moments when they can just practice patience, chill out, kick back, put they're feet up, and enjoy those times in their lives without pressure.  

These books are a series of lessons for children ages 4-6 years old, on positive attitudes for life experiences and illustrated through the use of bugs, slugs,and other crawly things. They are taught by a wise old ant named Professor Crawly who uses all his crawly friends to teach his lessons. 

This is a series of books too help kids accomplish three things:

1)  Become less frightened of crawly things at an early age

2) Teach the benefits achieved in our environment by the crawly things on our planet

3) Teach them encouraging lessons and important principles about self-image and interaction with others


Online Book Club Review:

In the sixth lesson of the Professor Crawly picture-book series, the clever ant introduces his friend, Sara. Like other snails, serene Sara carries her home wherever she goes in Shell Town. Preschool children will learn about the virtues of patience, grace, and a positive attitude in Professor Crawly's Sara the Snail Lesson 6 by Gary Chase. 

The rhyming picture book is 24 pages. The illustrations are a collaborative endeavor; Chase's granddaughter creates "the look" of the character, serving as inspiration for his illustrations. In addition to teaching positive character traits, the story also shares simple facts about snails. Young children will learn that snails "feed on decay." While "decay" may be a new vocabulary word for young children, the accompanying illustration picturing Sara at the garbage dump provides age-appropriate context. 

Chase utilizes the illustrations to teach preschoolers. Although patience seems like a challenging virtue to illustrate, he nails it with amusing images of Sara remaining unperturbed whether she is stuck on the Snail Town freeway, trudging through gravel, or encounters sticky slug goo. Sara's long eyelashes, colorful shell, and sweet smile will undoubtedly appeal to young children.