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Lady Bugerly Lesson 13: Supporting Each Other

Gary Chase

October 2020 9781735812335


Never judge a book by its cover- Lady Bugerly is Professor Crawly's example of a person, even in Royalty, who understands the value of caring for, and Supporting each Other.

Families are good examples of being supportive of each other in such things as providing food on the table, taking you to sports events and practices, making sure your are safe and comfortable, being encouraging about your plans, and not being judgmental. The same holds true as well with friends. 

There are folks in our world (who we may know, or know of) who are so impressed with themselves, their stature, their accomplishments and their possessions that they become arrogant, snooty, and uppity with other people. Rather than using their lives to help others and support them, they judge them, look down on them, and ridicule them. Teach your preschoolers to be humble and thankful for their lives and to use their lives as a way to support those that are not as fortunate.

Our children are constantly bombarded on television with examples of bad manners, bullying, and meanness ‘from adults’…! These exposures are so prevalent each day that it can become ingrained in our children’s minds that this behavior is okay, and it can transition into their own behavior! Sadly, much of this exposure comes from our own politicians who we have voted into office. Teach your preschoolers to be kind to other people in our world.