Professor Crawly Profe...
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Amy The Ant Lesson 2: Helping Others

Gary Chase

August 2020 9781734653410


Naturally, Professor Crawly wants to talk about his own clan for his next lesson on helping others. He uses his good friend Amy the Ant as his example.

When you are helpful to others, it makes both parties feel good. The act of helping someone can be a big act or a small act, but the results are the same in both cases. It generates a positive energy within the recipient of gratefulness. 

My granddaughters act of helping me by agreeing to illustrate these books, created a feeling of gratitude within me that spring-boarded these books. Self centered people who do not help others are robbed of the positive energy that comes to both giver and receiver of a helpful hand. When you help people, you are inspirational to others. It motivates and inspires them to do the same. Teach your kids the benefits of helping others.

These books are a series of lessons for children ages 4-6 years old, on positive attitudes for life experiences and illustrated through the use of bugs, slugs,and other crawly things. They are taught by a wise old ant named Professor Crawly who uses all his crawly friends to teach his lessons. 

This is a series of books too help kids accomplish three things:

1)  Become less frightened of crawly things at an early age

2) Teach the benefits achieved in our environment by the crawly things on our planet

3) Teach them encouraging lessons and important principles about self-image and interaction with others



Online Book Club Review:

***3 out of 4 stars***

Professor Crawly Lesson 2 by Gary Chase introduces young readers to Amy the ant. The narrator explains Amy's job and the jobs of other ants. Some, like Amy, gather food and materials while others build the anthills and move eggs. The eggs hatch and turn into new workers to help the colony. The author provides young readers with a look into the life of ants and how they help the earth.

I thought this was a remarkably cute book. I found much to like. The book was easy and straightforward. I particularly liked the first page of the book as it explains that Professor Crawly was made to provide lessons on positive attitudes, the environment, and interaction with others. I found it to be helpful and think it would be useful for parents when choosing books for their kids.

The illustrations looked like drawings that kids may have done and could be replicated. That said, there were labels of items on the page everywhere. I didn't like this aspect of the book as I felt it muddied the illustrations too much. I also felt that the words should be descriptive enough for readers to identify what is going on in the picture. That said, this is my personal opinion and may not bother others.

Overall, I have to give the book 3 out of 4 stars. There was a grammatical error in the book, which bothered me as it is only twenty-four pages long. The above also went into consideration for my rating.

I would recommend this book to young readers. It was colorful, bright, and easy to read. This is perfect for early elementary school and preschool ages. Parents will find it to be a quick book before bedtime. I think teachers may also find it helpful when teaching about nature and bugs.